INTRALOT Interactive is gearing up for the release of its patent pending Mobile Lottery Solution, the Sports Mobile betting management system, the new Instants Mobile Games library of gaming content and the latest version of its i-Gaming platform next week at ICE Totally Gaming.
The Mobile Lottery product line is an independent end-to-end solution for making the Lottery experience native on mobile devices of all operating systems, sizes and capabilities while INTRALOT’s Sports Mobile betting management system combines the INTRALOT i-FLEX sports book platform with a complete content management and delivery platform for mobiles and tablets, all based on HTML5 technologies.
INTRALOT said its Instant mobile Games are a new approach to instant games designed to bring instant win and e-Scratch opportunities into a cross-platform and device optimised model for mobile with HTML5-based technologies. This product line combines traditional gaming rules with new concepts from social and casual gaming environments catering to the smart phone and tablet gamer demographics.