Virtual sports and mobile games provider Inspired Group has announced the successful integration of its Remote Gaming Server with the Paddy Power gaming platform, giving the operator’s players access to Inspired’s omnichannel slot games and HTML5 content online and on mobile.
The games selection includes Centurion, Rise of Anubis, The Guardians and 20p Roulette.
The new agreement sees Paddy Power join a roster of other Inspired HTML 5 clients that includes William Hill, Gala Coral, Bet365 and Betfred.
Steve Rogers, CCO Digital Games at Inspired said in a statement Thursday:
“Inspired has long been supplying games to Paddy Power’s retail and virtual sports business, and this deal broadens the availability of its content still further. Mobile is a priority strategic focus for the business, and the deployment of Inspired games to Paddy Power customers is another step in exposing yet more players to our compelling content across multiple channels.”