Las Vegas Westgate Hotel and Casino has launched Android and iOS sports betting apps, developed by Miomni Gaming, to support terrestrial operations at its LVSuperbook sports betting lounge.
Billed as the largest sportsbook in town, the Westgate LVSuperbook, which opened in 1986, covers more than 30,000 square feet, offers over 300 seats and 28 large viewing screens.
“We’re ecstatic to introduce the new state-of-the-art mobile sports app at the world-famous Race & Sports SuperBook®,” said Jay Kornegay, vice president, Race & Sports SuperBook® Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino. “With the popularity of sports wagering at heights we’ve never seen before, our loyal players now have access to Nevada’s largest and most favorable wagering menu in the palm of their hands.”
LVSuperbook® Mobile enables the player to check lines, place bets and check account balances along with other features.
Bettors have to be aged 21 and older and need to register in-person at the LVSuperbook before downloading the app for use only within Nevada state lines.